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3. Finding & Organizing Digital Sources

Finding & Organizing Digital Sources

During this module, you will consider how best to store and manage sources found online or created digitally that are important for your research.


  1. Increase understanding of the components of digital research and the requirements for maintaining it now and in the near future.
  2. Ability to install and use a free, open source bibliographic management tool (Zotero) for creating libraries and bibliographies.
  3. Improve search technique, to include image-based searches.


Questions to Consider

  • In response to Baker’s piece, how do you currently manage your digital research? Can you still access notes and data you gathered and took from 20  years ago, 10, 5?
  • How relevant is the Rosenzweig piece, published 13 years ago? How have your research practices changed as the formats of sources and data have changed?
  • Considering both readings, have you considered your role as a scholar in preserving and maintaining data not only for your own work, but for other scholars and researchers looking beyond your own How have these changes effected your approach to teaching?

Resources for Data and Sources

Resources for Searching, Preserving Digital Sources and Files


Activity 1.  Install and try bibliographic and research management tool, Zotero:

Activity 2: Reverse Image Searching with TinEye:

Activity 3: Take a  Scavenger Hunt for digital sources and save them in Zotero:

Activity 4: Create a bibliography from Zotero,  in the citation style appropriate for your field
 Use the Scavenger Hunt sources, or items from one of the new collections you created in Activity 1,

 Activity 5: Make your new WordPress site Zotero-readable
Add the ScholarPress COinS plugin to make your new site readable by other Zotero users:

Read to start your research on a specific project? Here is a good first step.

Digital Project Lens

Take a look how historian, W. Caleb McDaniel, is publicly tracking and discussing his research in “Open Notebook History.”   Consider how McDaniel is working in this context. Be sure you visit his Wiki:

Notice the ways he is time-stamping his ideas, his progress, and his intellectual work.

  • How does this contrast with the way you are currently researching, writing, and developing ideas and prose?
  • What do you think of his intentions to work so openly in public?
  • Are there drawbacks for working in public in this way? What are the advantages?